Today I had my first Parent/Teacher conference ever! First I met with Taylor's teacher Ms.Joanna. She couldn't have said enough nice things. I was so happy and proud when she was telling about Taylor. A few of the things she said about her: she is a great listener, helps others when they are struggling, loves to read books & circle time. She is very motherly, dramatic and her big eyes tell a story. Her feelings get easliy hurt by others, which breaks the teacher's heart. She always is the first to ask questions and answer them too! She always wants to be first which is great that she has such confidence but she needs to know she can't always go first and let others go ahead. Overall, she is ahead of where she should be. Ms. Joanna said she is very happy to have Taylor in her class, she is a joy and so bright! :)
Next, I met with Ms.Debbie Teagan's teacher. This was her first conference but she was very helpful. Just like her big sis, she is doing great. She listens and follows directions well. She loves to play in home living with her friend Xia and play with dolls. She has a great imagination and a big vocubulary! She isn't the best eater, but I already knew that. Ms.Debbie found it weird that she doesn't like fruit much like the rest of the kids. She noted that she talks about "her sissy" a lot, when I heard that it melted by heart. She looks up to Taylor so much and tries to copy everything she does.
That started out my day great! I'm so proud and happy my girls are doing so well!
awwww, great teacher/parent conference!!