I started the year off with a resolution to blog about our family, kinda as “book” for the kids to look back at when they get older. I started off with good intentions but quickly let the daily routine get in the way. I’ve since picked it back up but I thought I’d recap the year for what I missed :) Here goes!
February – We took a trip to Aunt Shana & Uncle Oliver in Maryland. Just days before we were to leave, they received massive amounts of snow & the “Blizzard of 2010”. Luckily we made it out there ok and escaped without delays. We played in the snow & went sledding down hills at a local elementary school. It was sooo much fun! Taylor absolutely LOVED it! Teagan was still a bit young and it was hard for her to get around all bundled up. They sure did look cute as snow bunnies!

March – By March, Teagan had several ear infections in her short little life (double ones). It seemed she was on antibiotics every other month. Eventually we decided to take her to an ENT. He pretty much said right away she would probably need them but we tried one more antibiotic, and of course, that did not work. She still was having fluid in her ears. At the end of the month, she was finally getting some relief by getting tubes put in her ears. We had to be there very early in the morning and the actual procedure took about 5 minutes. Those were the longest 5 minutes EVER! I know it’s a common thing but still, when it’s your child its nerve racking!! Luckily she came out of there A-OK. It went perfect and she hasn’t had a problem with them since. {Fingers crossed}
April – I LOVE the month of April. They weather is beautiful and more importantly its Taylor’s birthday month! For her 4th birthday we decided to have a carnival themed party. It’s the most perfect time of the year for it! We went all out, popcorn machine, cotton candy, a Carousel bounce house, carnival games, & a clown for face painting & balloons. We also had a silly photo booth where the kids could put on a clown nose, wig, or big glasses. It was a blast!! We had about 15 kids, more than I had expected would come. I had lots of fun planning the party, from the invitations to the cake, to the favors, I enjoyed ever minute of it. I hope you enjoyed your 4th birthday party Tay tay :)

June – Our little ballerina had her first recital in June. She did a tap routine to the The Good Ship Lollipop. Her costume was a sailor outfit and was just perfect. Shana & Oliver made it down to see Taylor on the big stage. The recital was held a Royal Palm Beach High School on a Sunday night. Unfortunately, Taylor’s class was in the 6pm show and there was a huge thunderstorm that night. The power ended up going out in the middle of the show and the fire alarms were going off too. I was worried for her since she was backstage with the other kids & a couple of parents. I wanted to get to her but they wouldn’t let anyone backstage to create more confusion. It delayed the show about 30 minutes and we didn’t end up getting home till 11pm! It was late even for my night owl. She was amazing the in show! She wasn’t shy or nervous one bit. She is my little performer!! I couldn’t have been more proud.