Sunday, March 20, 2011

A day at the beach

This week has been absolutely horrible! I was sooo looking forward to the weekend despite Chris having to work both Saturday & Sunday.  I really needed to relax and get some fresh air so I took the girls to the beach on Saturday morning.  First we stopped off at the DD to get something to eat.  What would Saturday morning be without the usual Dunkin Donuts :) I lotioned up the girls, packed up the beach toys and we were off! It was defintiely a good time, just me & my girls. 

The weather was perfect, not too hot. You know when you can walk on the sand without having your feet burn! I took the camera along and got some great shots of the girls.  It was definitely what I needed!!

Painting with my princesses

One night this week we painted after dinner...

Monday, March 14, 2011

{iheartfaces} Sunflare Challenge

I love the sun, so naturally I love sun flare photos! I really didn't get a chance to practice this so I did a quick impromtu photo shoot with my daughter tonight. Here is my best shot at it!

Please check out all the other sunny photos at

Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Face of February

Please check out my entry for the best face of February on I Heart Faces.